miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011
Después de escribir la entrada anterior sobre Skype y Microsoft se me ha ocurrido volver de una vez con "English for dummies" en lugar de dejarlo para más tarde ( podéis buscar ediciones anteriores en el blog ). Os pongo un texto sacado de un libro, al final de la página he puesto las traducciones de algunas palabras/expresiones que os pueden resultar complicadas pero lo interesante es intentar entenderlo todo ( o por lo menos lo principal ) sin mirarlas.
"The book, boy," Cowl said. "Now." What rose up in me then wasn't outrage or terror. It wasn't righteous wrath. It wasn't confidence, or surety, or determination to protect a loved one. It was 100 percent pure, contrary stubbornness. Chicago was my town. I didn't care who this joker was; he wasn't going to come gliding down the streets of my town and push in my teeth for my milk money. I don't get pushed around by anyone. [...] I poured power down my arm, whirled my staff, pointed it at the car on the street beside him, and snarled, "Forzare!" The sigils on the staff burst into sudden, hellish scarlet light, as bright as the blaze of my shield, and shimmering waves of force flowed out from me. They flooded out over the sidewalk, under the Toyota parked on the street nearest Cowl. I snarled with effort, and the Hellfire force abruptly lashed up, underneath the street side of the car. The car flipped up as lightly and quickly as a man overturning a kitchen chair. Cowl was under it. There was a crash, and Hell's bells, it was loud. Glass shattered everywhere, and sparks flew out in every direction. The car's alarm went off, warbling drunkenly, and alarms started going off all up and down the street. In apartment windows, lights started blinking on.[...] There was the sound of metal grating on concrete. "Oh, come on," I said panting. The car shuddered, then slid a few inches to one side. Cowl straightened slowly. He'd gotten back to the very rear of the car's impact area somehow, and he must have been able to shield himself from the partial impact. As he straightened he wavered, then braced himself against a streetlight with one black-gloved hand. I felt a surge of satisfaction. Take that, jerk. A low growling sound came warbling out of the black hood. "The book." "Bite," I panted, "me.""Dead Beat" (The Dresden Files)
Jim Butcher
outrage => indignación
righteous wrath => ira justificada
sutbborness => cabezoneria/terquedad
joker => bufón/bromista ( Por si alguien todavía no lo sabía después de la peli de Batman )
glide => deslizarse
push around => intimidar
pour => verter/echar
whirl => girar
snarl => gruñir
sigils => Símbolo/marcas ( relacionadas con la magia )
burst into => irrumpir/ ponerse a
blaze => fuego/llama
shimering => brillantes
sidewalk => acera
lash => azotar
hell's bells => Es una expresión para sorpresa o indignación, normalmente se suele traducir como "madre de dios" o "joder"
shatter => destrozar
spark => chispa
warble =>
trinarblink => pestañear
grate => rallar
pante => jadear
shudder => estremecerse
inch => pulgada
rear => parte de atrás
jerk => idiota
growl => gruñido
hood => capucha
bite me => Es una expresión para incitar al otro a que haga algo, es similar a "tócame los huevos" pero algo más fino
Creo que he puesto todas las palabras que pueden presentar alguna dificultad, si tenéis algunda duda dejad un comentario.
Un saludo